Mozart Quartett Salzburg Mozart Quartett Salzburg


Mozart – Classics

Mozart Recordings from Salzburg

1      Bells / Salzburg Cathedral
2      FRANZ XAVER MOZART – Engel Gottes künden
3      Laudate Dominum- Live recording
4      Exsultate, jubilate / Salzburg Christmas version* (1779)
5      Exsultate, jubilate: recitative Tandem advenit hora
6      Exsultate, jubilate: Tu virginum corona
7      Exsultate, jubilate: Alleluia
8      Coronation Mass: Agnus Dei – Live recording
9      Church sonata C major  – Live recording
10    Clarinet quintet K581: Larghetto
11    Adagio F major K App. 94/580a
12    Clarinet concerto K622: Adagio
13    Ave verum corpus –  Live recording

Julia Arsentjeva, Charlotte Pistor, Anna Schmidt, soprano  · Eva-Maria Stadlbauer, alto
Beatriz Lopez, clarinet · Michael Martin Kofler, flute
Salzburg Mozart Quartet
Salzburg Cathedral Orchestra, conducted by János Czifra

Album Review

„Mozart ist der höchste Gipfelpunkt, den die Schönheit im Bereich der Musik erreicht hat. [...] so liebe ich Mozart wie einen Christus der Musik." Peter Tschaikowsky
“Mozart is the highest, the culminating point that beauty has attained in the sphere of music. [...] Mozart is the musical Christ.“ Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky